สรุปชาร์ต OBGYN

Principle Diagnosis

  • คลอด ND : Spontaneous vertex delivery, Normal delivery, Single vaginal delivery
    • Preterm labor with term delivery
  • คลอด V/E : Vacuum extraction due to __ fetal distress
  • คลอด C/S
    • Elective cesarean delivery due to __ fetal macrosomia / previous cesarean delivery
    • Emergency cesarean delivery due to __
  • IUGR : Fetal growth retardation
    • Spontaneous vertex delivery เป็น comorbidity
  • Preterm labor : Preterm contraction/ Premature uterine contraction


  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Abortion : Incomplete abortion
  • AUB : Abnormal uterine bleeding

Pre-admission comorbidity

  • คลอด : Term/Preterm pregnancy, Single live birth
  • Thin/Heavy meconium stained amniotic fluid
  • Nuchal cord
  • ทำหมัน : Female sterilization
  • Previous C/S : Previous surgical adhesion/ Previous cesarean section


  • AUB : Hematocolpos
  • Surgical site infection
  • Pregnancy __ wks
  • Myoma : Subserous, Pedunculated
  • Ovarian cyst : Simple, …

Complication (Post-admission)

  • คลอด :
    • Uterine atony
    • Immediate postpartum haemorrhage
    • Retained piece of placenta
  • Electolytes
    • Hypokalemia


Operating room

  • คลอด C/S : Low transverse cesarean section
  • ทำหมัน : Abdominal tubal resection
  • Lysis adhesion


  • Fractional and curettage
  • Dilatation and curettage

Important non-operating room

  • คลอด : Normal delivery, Vacuum extraction
  • ตัดฝีเย็บ : Episiotomy, Perineorhaphy
  • ขูดมดลูก : Dilatation and curettage , Evacuation and curettage

Special investigation

  • คลอด : External fetal monitoring, Ultrasonography
  • เติม PRC : Blood transfusion
  • CT : Computed tomography of whole abdomen